18 August 2009

Two Weeks Till Departure

So for anyone looking at this blog, you must know I will be out of the country studying abroad in Florence Italy for Fall 2009 and then spending the winter holidays in Germany! I am going to try out this whole blogging thing to keep everyone up to date with pictures etc... since that seems to be the thing to do these days. Feel free to pass this link along to other family and friends who may be interested in my whereabouts!
I am new to this whole blogging concept so bear with me the first few weeks as I figure it all out...!
Feel free to message me at any time though I can't necessarily guarantee a prompt response due to the uncertainty of access to the internet!
I'll have the same email addresses in Italy as I usually do..

and I will post my mailing address as soon as I get there and figure out what it is!!

1 comment:

  1. Love this blog site --- and I love you kid!! Thanks for doing this! Love, Mom
